
Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Monas is one of the most known monument in Jakarta, it is located at the center of Merdeka square, central Jakarta symbolizing the fight for Indonesia. It is one of the national monuments that are built to commemorate the struggle of Indonesian heroes fighting the colonial domination. The standing pillar of Monas is 137 meters, symbolizing a rice pestle, while the cup symbolizing a rice barn. Rice pestle and barn are traditional tools to pound rice, figuring out Indonesia as an agricultural country. They’re also regarded as the symbol of Indonesian people’s fertility, and as the symbol of male and female. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil. The monument and the museum are open daily from 08.00am to 15.00pm throughout the week except for the last Monday of each month when the monument is closed. Visitors can get up to the top of Monas which shows the best views in Jakarta by using a lift.

 Monas Monument

Inside Monas Ground Floor

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