
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Kota Tua

Kota is a neighborhood comprising the original downtown area of Jakarta, Indonesia. It is also known as Old Jakarta and Old Batavia. Kota is the Indonesian word for city, a reminder of the walled settlement Batavia which gained importance during the 17th-19th century as the de facto capital of the Dutch East Indies. This inner city contrasted with the surrounding villages, orchards, and rice fields. It spans 1.3 square kilometers of North Jakarta. Batavia was named by the Dutch and once a center of commerce for the whole archipelago due to its strategic location and abundant resources. Nowadays this place is use for a one of the tour side in Jakarta which is really famous. this place is also located near museum Fatahilah, meseum wayang and museum ceramic which is open from 09.00 am to 3.00pm . In kota tua there are some street foods that you can’t get from other place in Jakarta.

Museum Fatahillah

Kota Tua

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